Sunday, March 15, 2015

How to properly support Windows Fibers in Delphi without breaking exception handling

If you are giving a shot to Windows Fibers under Delphi, you probably faced the issue of how to properly handle Delphi's structured exception handling AND switching between fibers transparently.

Assuming you already know what Fibers are, how to use them and when to use them, I will cut to the chase. If you don't know, or don't know enough, I recommend you the following reads to get started:

When exceptions happen in a Delphi program, the compiler generates code to store nested exceptions on an exception stack. This stack is stored in a TLS allocated by the program upon startup.

When using Delphi compiled in 32 bits, the issue of persisting and restoring this stack is trivial. Up to the latest versions of Delphi the RTL exposes a couple of functions in the system unit that allow you to do the trick in two lines of code (literally).
The challenge with Delphi programs compiled in 64 bits is that Delphi doesn't expose anymore an API to persist and restore the Exception stack. It's not hard overcome this, but it requires a bit of reverse engineering and watching what the compiler does by enabling the CPU debugger.
I'll spare you from the pain, and below you will find a unit that does the trick:


Here's the full code that I use for switching between fibers:

Before I forget!!!

Here's a sample test that performs a SwitchToFiber() inside an exception handler block. In fact, it's a triple nested exception handler block to test the mechanism of persisting and restored more than just one element of the exception stack.

I hope this helps you on your adventure trying to implement fibers using Delphi.

A note on testing the approach:

Code was verified to work properly on:
Delphi 2007
DelphiXE4 running in WIN32 and WIN64

Special note about Delphi 5. SetRaiseList was totally broken. When used, it will send the application into a tailspin of access violations. See the fixed code, mainly borrowed from Delphi 2007 implementation.