Tuesday, October 13, 2015

C++ and automatic objects misconceptions

Let's start this blog entry first with a disclaimer: I'm not a expert, not even experienced C++ developer.

Now, I do know a thing or two about C++, and particularly about some of the primitives of the language and not so much about its standard library.

One thing in particular I always liked is the idea of offering developers two models of object allocation:
  • "automatic" objects
  • "explicitly" allocated objects
Before we jump in to automatic objects, just a note on the second bullet point, what I call "explicitly" allocated objects.
The reason I call that model "explicitly" allocated objects rather than let's say, dynamically allocated objects or heap allocated objects is because really the main difference between that model and the "automatic" objects is that the developer tells the compiler with no room for interpretation that a new object will be allocated with memory provided by the new() operator and a particular constructor will be called.
There's no way around it.

Automatic objects, on the other hand, leave a lot of room to the compiler to decide how the final object is going to be provided to the developer.

With that, the motivation of this post is because I see a lot of confusion between C++ developers on exactly how the compiler solves certain constructs, leading to decisions that may not be the most efficient or cleanest ones when crafting code. In all honestly, most of this blog post will be a small piece of code I wrote with some typical and commonly used constructs when creating objects, assigning them to variables and passing them as function parameters. The code I wrote was to answer questions I had myself, in a few cases with assumed answers (that were wrong!) and the C++ compiler surprised positively in every one of the cases.

Without further due, this is the test code:

And this is the console output if you run the program:

Example with only one copy of myString class...
myString created
hello 0 my address: 2030296
hello 0 my address: 2030296
myString destroyed
Even invoking as a constructor creates only one copy...
myString created
hello 1 my address: 2030252
hello 1 my address: 2030252
myString destroyed
When really copying into an uninitialized object copy constructor is finally use
myString created
hello 2 my address: 2030208
now we will assign str to str2
myString created using copy constructor
hello 2 my address: 2030164
hello 2 my address: 2030208
hello 2 my address: 2030164
myString destroyed
myString destroyed
What happens if we invoke function that doesn't use & operator?...
myString created
hello 3 my address: 2030120
myString created using copy constructor
hello 3 my address: 2029768
iReceiveAMyString called
myString destroyed
myString destroyed
When overwriting an object, assignment operator will be called...
myString created
hello A 4 my address: 2030076
myString created
hello B 5 my address: 2030032
let's print str2
hello B 5 my address: 2030032
now we will assign str to str2
myString operator= called
let's print str and after that str2
hello A 4 my address: 2030076
hello A 4 my address: 2030032
myString destroyed
myString destroyed

Hopefully it depicts clearly how the C++ compiler is pretty efficient on its dealing with automatic objects. No unnecessary copies, not a single one, even when returning an automatic object from a function the construction storage was the target storage location.

Think very carefully before using new() allocated objects, it may not be worth on many cases. Not to mention you will be incurring typically on expensive heap allocations.


  1. Compiler avoids copying due to RVO(return value optimization).

  2. Yes, I noticed in latest versions of Delphi compiler when returning String objects, which effectively operate like C++ automatic objects.
    In the past Delphi always returned data on EAX or RAX, but now for Strings they pass return address as first parameter (implicitly).
    Not sure how C++ optimization works, I have't taken a peek on the generated assembly, maybe that will be my next step and I will update the post.
    I think the point is that in general terms is preferably to use automatic objects for this utilitarian or temporary objects than using new operator with delete.
